Wainuiomata Primary School
Homedale Road, Wainuiomata, Lower Hutt 5014, New Zealand
04-939 8677
At Wainuiomata Primary School, senior students (yr 4-6) children have the option to bring their own Chromebook to school. While this is not at all compulsory, there can be some advantages.
We recommend purchasing your Chromebook from a reputable supplier like Noel Leeming or Harvey Norman. They often have specials for schools, especially at the beginning of the year.
Connection Fee $15.00
When a device is brought into the school a charge of $15, for the enrolment and management on the school network, will apply. This will need to be paid before the device can be used in the classroom. We need to organise our IT Support to come and do this for us so it may take a few days.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Chromebook?
A Chromebook is a small laptop computer running the Google operating system (OS). Some of the benefits of this system are: virtually everything is built in or ready-configured – cloud storage, Google Apps for Education and security.
Chromebooks are made by a range of manufacturers including Acer, Hewlett-Packard, Samsung and Toshiba. Most are a lot cheaper than the Apple iPad which is their major selling point, along with being fast, portable, easy-to-use, and with a long battery life. Also, unlike a tablet such as the iPad, the Chromebook looks like a conventional laptop and includes a full sized keyboard.
The low cost of a Chromebook compared to the more high profile devices is a real consideration for schools and the Chrome browser is one of the most secure browsers in use." – SchoolUpIT
Can I bring an Ipad, tablet, macbook or laptop?
Google Accounts?
In order to use school chromebooks or a child's own device, they will require a @wainuiomata.school.nz account. These are currently created for all students.
How will they be kept safe?
The school has developed a BYOD Contract to provide guidelines for students to follow. Teachers in the senior classes are able to monitor every student's online activity using a paid service called Hapara. Websites that are considered unsafe or inappropriate are automatically blocked from being accessed at school.
Bring Your Own Device Contract
There are certain rules around chrome books that children and adults must follow to keep everyone safe and learning.
‘Bring your own device’ (BYOD) charged every day to school. No chargers at school!
Gently put it in and out of your school bag.
Leave your chrome book carry case in your bag or on your hook.
Place the chrome book in the correct lockbox straight away in the morning.
When packing in the afternoon - leave your bag on your hook and take the chromebook to it.
Not to let anyone else use it.
Be aware of your responsibility of keeping your chrome book safe from damage - your bag is your responsibility.
Don’t take it out of your bag unless you are in the class - ready for learning.
Keep your bag zipped when moving around the school and home.
Take care of your bag at After School Care or if you have any sports training after school.
Use @wainuiomata.school.nz account at school and for homework and your own @gmail.co.nz account at home for home activities your parents allow (games, videos etc)
Don’t share the BYOD wireless with anyone.
Cell phones, tablets etc are not BYOD and must still go to the office by 9am.
If in doubt and something goes wrong, share the TRUTH!!!
What happens when you leave Wainuiomata Primary School
The chromebook needs to be removed from the school network. Notify the school office of the serial number of the device so that our IT provider can remove it from the school network.
To clear the Chromebooks so that they can be used at home and at Intermediate the following steps need to be followed:
Press "esc" the refresh button (third button across from esc) and the power button (all at once).
A yellow exclamation mark comes up. Press control and "d"(both at once).
It will come up with a message "to turn OS verification off, press enter" - press enter.
Then will say "press space to re-enable" - press space bar
Then "press enter to confirm you wish to turn OS verification on" - press enter
It will say "OS verification is on" and then it will automatically restart.